Thiago Brant

Thiago Brant

Events held 20
Agile People Coach Authorized Instructor ICAgile Certified Professional - Agility in HR (ICP-AHR) ICAgile Certified Professional - People Development (ICP-PDV) ICAgile Certified Professional – Business Agility Foundation (ICP-BAF) ICAgile Certified Professional – Leading with Agility (ICP-LEA) ICAgile Instructor | Agility in HR (ICP-AHR) ICAgile Instructor | Business Agility Foundation (ICP-BAF) ICAgile Instructor | Leading with Agility (ICP-LEA) ICAgile Instructor | People Development (ICP-PDV)

Versão em Português

(English version below)

Eu sou um Agile People Coach que ajuda líderes e gestores a engajar seus colaboradores e negócios extraindo o melhor dos métodos e frameworks disponíveis no mercado.

Segundo o último “The Business Agility Report”, os maiores desafios hoje das organizações são:

  • Resistência à mudança e gestão da mudança
  • Capacidades de liderança e gestão
  • Práticas e processos inadequados

E sabemos que as melhores práticas emergem de reflexão sobre os métodos de trabalho atuais para melhoria e adaptação.

Eu utilizo minha experiência aplicando a mentalidade unFIX, Management 3.0 e Agile People em conjunto com Método Kanban, Scrum, SAFe e outros frameworks para auxiliar gestores a criarem seus próprios métodos de trabalho para gerar resultados em um ambiente saudável.

Conheça mais sobre meu trabalho neste ebook que escrevi sobre como melhorar a Experiência do Colaborador (EX) com o uso de práticas do Management 3.0.

Baixe o ebook

Workshop unFIX Foundation co-facilitado com Jurgen Appelo em Julho 2023

Veja algumas contribuições que já fiz ao tema, e alguns você pode ver ou ouvir através dos links disponíveis!

(See some contributions I’ve made to the topic, and some you can see or hear using the links provided!)

Como palestrante (As a speaker):

Veja outros materiais nessa playlist especial! Aproveite para assinar o canal da Agilers.

Como escritor (As a writer):

Como trainer (As a trainer):

  • Tradução da Agile People para português
  • Tradução do unFIX para português
  • Tradução do Shiftup para português


English version

(versão em portuguës acima)

I am an Agile People Coach who helps leaders and managers engage their employees and businesses by using the best methods and frameworks available on the market.

According to the latest “The Business Agility Report,” the biggest challenges facing organizations today are:

  • Resistance to change and change management
  • Leadership and management capabilities
  • Unsuitable practices and processes

And we know that best practices emerge from reflection on current working methods for improvement and adaptation.

I use my experience applying the unFIX, Management 3.0, and Agile People mindset, together with the Kanban Method, Scrum, SAFe, and other frameworks, to help managers create their own work methods to generate results in a healthy environment.

Learn more about my work in this ebook on improving Employee Experience (EX) using Management 3.0 practices.

Agile People Coach Authorized Instructor ICAgile Certified Professional - Agility in HR (ICP-AHR) ICAgile Certified Professional - People Development (ICP-PDV) ICAgile Certified Professional – Business Agility Foundation (ICP-BAF) ICAgile Certified Professional – Leading with Agility (ICP-LEA) ICAgile Instructor | Agility in HR (ICP-AHR) ICAgile Instructor | Business Agility Foundation (ICP-BAF) ICAgile Instructor | Leading with Agility (ICP-LEA) ICAgile Instructor | People Development (ICP-PDV)
Events held 20
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Hello! I am Ingela, and I work with the core team at Agile People. I’d love to connect woth you and explore potential solutions.

You can write me an email or schedule a meeting to discuss further!