Simone Hauser

Simone Hauser

United Kingdom
Events held 18
Agile People Coach Authorized Instructor ICAgile Certified Professional - Agility in HR (ICP-AHR) ICAgile Certified Professional – Leading with Agility (ICP-LEA) ICAgile Instructor | Leading with Agility (ICP-LEA)

As a strategic people & culture architect, Simone brings extensive experience of successfully managing the people side of large scale organisational change and integration programmes. She has been an HR Business partner and Leader of HR Centres of Excellence for decades providing successful people solutions to the organisations and clients she works with. Simone enjoys partnering with global leadership teams to share her expertise and big systems thinking to deliver commercial value. 

Simone is an accredited Adaptive Leadership Practitioner (Harvard Executive Education), Certified Executive coach and Toastmaster. She is highly skilled in partnering with senior stakeholders and is energised working with leaders to enable the people side of culture change in digital transformation, mergers and conduct & compliance contexts.

Often described by clients as visionary and passionate in the programmes & initiatives that she delivers, Simone is a fearless change agent.  As required, she can adopt the role of provocateur and disruptor to enable innovation to flourish and generate new thinking and opportunities.

Agile People Coach Authorized Instructor ICAgile Certified Professional - Agility in HR (ICP-AHR) ICAgile Certified Professional – Leading with Agility (ICP-LEA) ICAgile Instructor | Leading with Agility (ICP-LEA)
Events held 18
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