Nina Khan

Nina Khan

Events held 1
Agile People Coach Authorized Instructor ICAgile Certified Professional – Business Agility Foundation (ICP-BAF) ICAgile Certified Professional – Leading with Agility (ICP-LEA) ICAgile Instructor | Business Agility Foundation (ICP-BAF) ICAgile Instructor | Leading with Agility (ICP-LEA)

Nina is an experienced Agile People Trainer passionate about empowering individuals, teams, and whole organizations in their naviation through a complex world characterized by rapid change.

Together with Agile People I want to explore how the Agile People Principles can guide you and your organisation on your transformational journey towards increased businessagility and sustainable workplaces for the future. 

Nina is certified ICAgile:

  • ICAgile Authorized Instructor
Agile People Coach Authorized Instructor ICAgile Certified Professional – Business Agility Foundation (ICP-BAF) ICAgile Certified Professional – Leading with Agility (ICP-LEA) ICAgile Instructor | Business Agility Foundation (ICP-BAF) ICAgile Instructor | Leading with Agility (ICP-LEA)
Events held 1
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