Martin Berg

Martin Berg

Agile People Coach Agile People Facilitator Agile People Fundamentals Agile People HR Agile People HR Facilitator Agile People Leadership Authorized Instructor ICAgile Certified Professional - Agility in HR (ICP-AHR) ICAgile Certified Professional - People Development (ICP-PDV) ICAgile Certified Professional – Business Agility Foundation (ICP-BAF) ICAgile Certified Professional – Leading with Agility (ICP-LEA) ICAgile Instructor | People Development (ICP-PDV)

It is through us humans that we understand needs; through these needs, we find the recipes for a better organization and work life. When you collaboratively create an organization that has the resilience and flexibility to manage all the changes we encounter daily, we also make room for innovation and to deliver value.

That is why I work with humans in organizations. I help you see this value and utilize our power for a better future through training and coaching.

As a coach and trainer, I have long experience working with teams and leaders. Working in different agile contexts has been my passion since I discovered agile in 2007.

Agile People Coach Agile People Facilitator Agile People Fundamentals Agile People HR Agile People HR Facilitator Agile People Leadership Authorized Instructor ICAgile Certified Professional - Agility in HR (ICP-AHR) ICAgile Certified Professional - People Development (ICP-PDV) ICAgile Certified Professional – Business Agility Foundation (ICP-BAF) ICAgile Certified Professional – Leading with Agility (ICP-LEA) ICAgile Instructor | People Development (ICP-PDV)
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