Frida Mangen

Frida Mangen

Events held 4
Authorized Instructor ICAgile Certified Professional - Agility in HR (ICP-AHR) ICAgile Certified Professional – Leading with Agility (ICP-LEA) ICAgile Instructor | Agility in HR (ICP-AHR)

Frida Mangen

Frida has a degree in HR with focus on behavioral science and with a great interest in the field of psychology. The past eleven years, she has worked in the tech industry, in various roles within HR and as a manager.

Frida is founder of the Swedish podcast “AgilaHRpodden”, a podcast where she seek answer to how we within organizations, leadership and HR can contribute and be part of creating the next generations organizations.

She is driven by making difference and help enterprises to accelerate their agile transformation and succeed in business by interacting and focus on people.

To build sustainable and dynamic workplaces where organizations attract and maintain skilled and engaged individuals and continuously deliver customer value.

Focus Areas: 

Agile beyond IT, Agile HR, People Development, Learning Organization, Training and

Moderation, Motivation, Change Facilitation

Interests: Exercising (lift heavy things and running), being out in the nature, spend time with family and friends, traveling, food and wine, interior design.

Based in: Stockholm, Sweden

Authorized Instructor ICAgile Certified Professional - Agility in HR (ICP-AHR) ICAgile Certified Professional – Leading with Agility (ICP-LEA) ICAgile Instructor | Agility in HR (ICP-AHR)
Events held 4
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