ICAgile Certification Fee

Fee for ICAgile Certification. You need to send your Certification Assignment and have it approved by your Facilitator before you can claim your certificate.
Send an email to certification@agilepeople.com with the information about your training date, location, and name of the Facilitator.
When we confirm the approval of your Certification Assignment with your facilitator, we will initiate the process with ICAgile to download your badge and your certificate.

90,00 excl_tax


Fee for ICAgile Certification. You need to send your Certification Assignment and have it approved by your Facilitator before you can claim your certificate. This could also be a part of the LMS tool.
Send an email to certification@agilepeople.com with the information about your training date, location, and name of the Facilitator.
When we confirm the approval of your Certification Assignment with your facilitator, we will initiate the process with ICAgile to download your badge and your certificate.

ICAgile Certification Fee

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