Practicing Agile Leadership Program

Leading and navigating when we do not know the answer


Practicing Agile Leadership (PAL) is a practical training where you will learn to use the leadership perspectives of the future based on an authentic and people-centric approach.

We believe that a course about agility needs to be agile in itself. Therefore, you will get to answer questions about your situation and organization before the course. We will adapt the course along the way based on your answers and the interactions during the course.

What You Will Learn

  • Full understanding of agile values, principles, and ways of working
  • The eight Agile Leadership roles
  • Growing and developing your people to create high customer satisfaction, productivity, and profits
  • An understanding of how different situations require different leadership approaches
  • Choosing the right approach to interact with different people
  • The right tools to practice human-centric leadership
  • A great ability to lead yourself
  • The future requirements for leadership
  • How engaged employees affect your bottom line

Our course is available as a dynamic 5-day workshop or 25 engaging 2-3-hour online sessions spread out over time.

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Why Choose This Training

The four following aspects are fundamental parts of a successful organization today. Participating in this course, you will learn to integrate and strengthen these in your leadership and organization.

The four following aspects are fundamental parts of a successful organization today. Participating in this course, you will learn to integrate and strengthen these in your leadership and organization.

The four following aspects are fundamental parts of a successful organization today. Participating in this course, you will learn to integrate and strengthen these in your leadership and organization.

I possess a keen ability to inspire personal growth, foster self-awareness, and empower individuals to reach their fullest potential

Course OKR´s

Having a clear direction is essential for successful agility. One of the tools for a clear direction are Objectives and Key Results (OKRs). This course has four main objectives:

  • You have full insight and understanding of agile values, principles, and ways of working, as well as the right tools to practice human-centric leadership.
  • You understand how engaged employees affect your bottom line. You grow and develop your people to create high customer satisfaction, productivity, and profits.
  • You are equipped with the future requirement for leadership, the eight Agile Leadership roles, and an understanding of how different situations require different leadership approaches.
  • You have a great ability to lead yourself, which leads to an improved ability to read and understand other people and choose the right approach to interact with them.

During the course, you will learn to use OKRs for yourself, your team, and your organization.

What Makes This Training Different

  • We perform individual interviews with all participants to tailor the training to the needs and experiences of the group.
  • All participants are expected to set up a learning plan (OKRs) for the program, and the development is followed up through the program.
  • We invite you to Agile People Community, an international network, and to our monthly Agile People Events.
  • We have the competency and extensive experience to follow you and your organization through your agile transformation process, and offer
    • Training and development of your people & organization
    • Coaching of individuals or teams
    • Inspirational keynote talks
    • Consulting services


Who the course is for

  • Are you a leader that feels that you need to change because of changing circumstances?

  • Are you a manager who wants to be a great leader in agile contexts?

  • Are you a person who is technically skilled, but you want to develop your ability to motivate and relate to people?

If you answer yes to one or more of the above, this course was created for you. We look forward to your application to the course.


Course Content

This course is highly practical with real-world stuff that you can use. Getting good at using the eight roles of an agile people leader is the backbone of the course. In addition, we have chosen to focus on agile tools and concepts that support these roles. Things such as:

  • The Agile Mindset, Values, and Principles
  • Theory X & Y
  • Fixed vs. Growth Mindset
  • Learner vs. Judger Mindset
  • Self-organizing Teams
  • The 4 Selves
  • The 4 Biases
  • The Ladder of Inference
  • Psychological Safety
  • Cynefin
  • Safe to Fail Experiments
  • Leading vs Lagging Indicators
  • A People-Centric Organization
  • Mind Traps
  • Interpersonal Mush
  • Unconscious Communication

If this sounds like a lot of buzz words to you, fear not, you can still participate successfully in this course.

Find Your Practicing Agile Leadership Program

At Agile People, we consistently offer online training sessions and in-person workshops. Our dedication is to ensure that every participant gains the knowledge and skills they seek, whether they’re joining us virtually or in person.

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Across the globe, our licensed, experienced trainers deliver our training courses and programs with the same dedication, and we are proud to have this global footprint. They frequently offer instruction in their native languages for localized understanding and relevance.

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