Leading & Growing People


Grow Your Team To The Next Level!

Are you a leader committed to fostering growth in others and creating an environment where individuals, teams, and teams of teams can thrive?

This course gives you insight into cultivating a continuous learning culture that empowers people and elevates results with organizational agility. What are the requirements to create an environment where people grow and develop to be at their best.

Our practical and in-depth Leading & Growing People course is designed to provide practical and in-depth insights into how you can enable individuals and the organization to reach their full potential by prioritizing a safe learning environment.

What You'll Learn:

  • How to empower individuals as catalysts for agility, harnessing their strengths and potential to drive organizational agility effectively.
  • Cultivate a learning culture by recognizing the significance of continuous development, creating an environment that nurtures ongoing personal and professional growth, and learning techniques to foster a growth mindset.
  • How to hire for elevating, not delegating; to recruit talent that aligns with the organization’s values, goals, and desired culture.
  • How to cultivate a culture of ownership, accountability, and leadership throughout the organization, regardless of formal position or title.

Our course is a dynamic 2-day workshop or ten engaging 2-hour online sessions, leading to a Professional Certification in Leading & Growing People (ICP-PDV) with Agile People and ICAgile.

Why Choose This Training

If you are a leader who wants to learn to foster growth, create thriving environments, and enable a culture of dynamic learning in your organization, this is the training for you.

Gain the skills to enhance organizational agility and cultivate an environment that values continuous development. Invest in your people and unlock their potential for long-term success.

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Target Audience


 Leaders at all levels who see the value of growing a collaborative, people-centric organization and are committed to developing the people on their teams.

Agile Coaches

Agile coaches want to learn more about the human aspect of agile and to better facilitate effective teamwork and collaboration within organizations.


Consultants that want to deepen their agile understanding to support customers in agile transformations better.


HR professionals at all levels who want to understand and develop people-centric processes and leadership.

Agile People

Curious individuals who seek growth and new challenges and believe in people-centric organizations.

What Differentiates Our Courses & Training Programs

Interactive Learning

Our approach emphasizes interactive group work, enabling participants to learn from one another through shared experiences and knowledge during engaging group discussions.

Professional Certificate

The course leads to a Professional Certification with Agile People and ICAgile. To ensure top-quality learning experiences against proven Learning Outcomes, our courses are accredited by ICAgile, a leading global agile accreditation and certification body.

Agile People Campus

With both the online and in-person workshop, you will gain access to our Learning Management System (LMS), where you can delve into the theory and acquire in-depth knowledge of the subject matter at your phase.

Practical Tools And A New Network

The training will teach you new skills and practical tools while establishing valuable connections. As part of our commitment to your agile journey, we organize regular events to enrich your learning experience further.

Find A Leading & Growing People Course Or Program

At Agile People, we consistently offer online training sessions and in-person workshops. Our dedication is to ensure that every participant gains the knowledge and skills they seek, whether they’re joining us virtually or in person.

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Across the globe, our licensed, experienced trainers deliver our training courses and programs with the same dedication, and we are proud to have this global footprint. They frequently offer instruction in their native languages for localized understanding and relevance.

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More Course Information

Course Description

The online and in-person workshops cover ten key topics and are described more in detail in our Course Description.

Three Perspectives

The training covers three perspectives; Individual (you), team (we in our group), and organizational (all of us).

Learning Outcomes

ICAgile accredits our courses and programs, and all our courses have a detailed learning outcome.

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Course Description

This course is divided into ten engaging sessions. 

Agile People Development

Session D1: Deep Dive into Agile People Principles 
The foundation of Agile Peoples’ mindset is about the principles, values, methods, and tools that we need to start using to release competence and innovation – and what we stop doing. This session is an introduction to each other and how we run the training. 

Session D2: Types of Learning and the Effect on the Culture
Individual agility influences organizational agility. Here, we describe ways to increase engagement within organizations. Assessing the culture, we recommend how to create a continuous learning culture. What are the factors that would promote vs. detract from this kind of culture?

Session D3: Being a Role Model for Continuous Development
We evaluate your attitudes towards learning and the importance of self-development and others’ development within the organization. Unlearning existing knowledge and beliefs becomes vital to create opportunities for new learning to happen. The insight that learning is an organizational competency tied to people’s specific behaviors – how can we avoid the wrong behaviors and amplify those that support a learning culture?

Session D4:  Delegating Outcomes and Hiring to Elevate
We are focusing more on delegating outcomes than delegating tasks that impact learning and development in the organization. How can we empower, and what delegation techniques are there? How do we limit the way we charge responsibility and decision-making? We contrast hiring to elevate vs. hiring to delegate and provide examples of hiring to upgrade.

Session D5Early Focus on Motivation and Brain-Based Learning 
Learning in your way starts early in the onboarding process when joining a new team. Your motivational factors will decide within what areas and how you would like to develop yourself. The SCARF model helps to understand how your brain works and what learning techniques work with your brain, not against it. What is the difference between you and other team members, and how can you overcome these to work well together.

Session D6: Developing Your Learning Journey 
We are explaining here how to co-create development plans and how to encourage individual ownership of development. What tools can be used in self-evaluation with individuals and teams in your organization to identify strengths, passions, and interests? How to link personal development plans to align with organizational needs, and what happens when personal and company goals do not align? 

Session D7: Everybody needs to be a Leader and find their Unique Style 
Leadership at every level is necessary and valuable in an agile organization. Self-leadership becomes a must for every employee, and for most people, it’s also about helping to lead others. Finding your leadership style is essential – you need to be authentic. Here, we also learn how to approach difficult conversations that challenge behavior without undermining the individual’s dignity.

Session D8: Self-organizing for Collective Outcomes in a Suitable Environment Enables Team Accountability
We learn why self-organizing can make the team move quicker through team development stages and what leadership skills are required to speed up the process and shape the environment. Different physical environments impact a team’s ability to collaborate and learn toward a shared, collective purpose when moving through team development.

Session D9: Providing Effective Feedback and Setting up the Team to Succeed in the Larger System
We look at encouraging open, multi-directional, and timely feedback within teams and how teams can relate and be visible in the larger organization. What impact could organizational conditions, such as imperative structures, impact the team and the relationships between team members? What scenarios are there, and when should we intervene.

Session D10: Diversity, Psychological Safety, and Conflicts in Teams
There are many benefits of diverse teams over homogenous teams, and if there is psychological safety, cognitive diversity can maximize collaboration conditions. We examine how working together can create more value when we have a trusting, safe team environment. What leadership qualities become essential here, and how can leaders contribute to creating a healthy conflict climate?

Talent Acqusition

Learning Outcomes - Agile People Development

From People Management To People Development

Recognizing People Development As Fundamental To Enabling Business Agility

  • People as the Catalyst for Agility
    • Organizational agility fundamentally depends on the personal agility of individuals in every role and at every level. It also relies on an environment where people are fully engaged and can thrive.
    • Revisit the key elements of an agile mindset and show how organizational agility relies on an agile mindset from everyone from the top down in the organization. Discuss the characteristics of a people-centric organization and ways that those characteristics increase engagement.
  • Cultivating a Culture of Learning
    • Agile organizations have learning ingrained in their DNA. Continuous learning is a key competency and a source of competitive advantage.
    • Discuss the different types of learning (survival, adaptive, generative, double-loop learning) and how generative or double-loop learning is what is really needed for truly adaptive, agile organizations. Show how double-loop learning and experimentation support innovation and creativity. Reference various ideas, such as those of Peter Senge or Robert Kegan, to illustrate the power of cultivating a culture of learning. Identify common anti-patterns that prevent organizations from truly becoming adaptive such as over-emphasis on near-term productivity and/or aversion to failure.
  • Creating the Container for Generative Learning
    • Creating an environment where others can grow and develop to achieve their potential is a key aspect of leadership in agile organizations. To enable generative learning and transformation, individuals with a shared purpose work together to co-create a container for development.
    • Explain aspects of an environment conducive to generative learning. These can include a shared purpose, a working agreement or social contract, organizing principles, elements of the physical environment, ways of working and collaborating, etc. Describe the role of leadership in co-creating and maintaining a container for development


Developing Yourself As It Relates To Developing Others

  • Becoming a Role Model for Continuous Development
    • Agile leaders lead by example, and no example is more important than that of a continuous learning mentality.
    • Explain why being a role model is so important for continuous development. Describe how being self-aware, deliberate, and transparent about our own development will inspire and enable others to develop themselves.
  • How and What to Unlearn
    • In order to create the space and opportunity to learn new things, it is important to identify and let go of old ways of thinking and ingrained habits that may no longer serve teams and organizations.
    • Illustrate how “unlearning” is an important part of having a growth mindset as both an individual and as an organization. As stated in the below-referenced Harvard Business Review article, “Unlearning is not about forgetting; it’s about the ability to choose an alternative mental model or paradigm.” Elements such as letting go of command & control in order to replace that with trust and empowerment, releasing the belief that the manager is the one who has all the answers and replacing it with trust in the abilities and wisdom of the team, etc.1
  • Self-awareness of Impacts on Others’ Development
    • The attitude and behavior of leaders directly impact the attitudes and behavior of their teams. In the context of development, these attitudes and behaviors can either be promoters or detractors.
    • Describe the behaviors and attitudes of an agile leader that promote learning and development as well as those that stifle it. Discuss the importance of leaders having the self-awareness to identify when their own biases and ingrained habits may be contributing to undesirable outcomes. Underline the importance that leaders possess both a genuine belief that people can learn and an openness to new ideas. Highlight how skills/techniques like facilitation, inclusion, and attribution enhance a culture of development.

Leading To Elevate Organizational Capability 

  • Enable Outcomes instead of Assigning Tasks
    • Assigning tasks to someone can undermine their motivation and obscure the desired outcome in a way that prevents people from taking full ownership. Transferring ownership of outcomes unleashes engagement and creativity.
    • Differentiate between the delegation of tasks vs. outcomes. Illustrate the impact of each on motivation and ownership. Highlight the relationships among motivation, ownership, creativity, and innovation.
  • Establish Guardrails and Communicate Constraints
    • Agile leaders adapt delegation approaches to their context as well as to the needs and capabilities of both the team and the organization. In order to develop capability in teams and the organization as a whole, leaders need to proactively set people up for success by agreeing on both goals and guiding principles while ensuring a shared understanding of constraints. 
    • Discuss the practice of establishing goals, guiding principles, and constraints upfront with people and teams and how this increases the chances of success when delegating outcomes. Also, this practice shows how different elements of context impact leaders’ decision-making when establishing guardrails. These factors include team and individual competency levels, attitudes about ownership, organizational risk factors, etc.
  • Hire to Elevate, not Delegate
    • Often, leaders make hiring decisions to delegate existing work or augment capacity. Leaders should strive to elevate organizational capability by bringing in new people that can teach the organization something new, further its culture of learning, and increase its overall capability to bring value to customers.
    • Distinguish hiring to delegate vs. hiring to elevate. Engage the participants in a discussion of the pros and cons as well as what they believe hiring to elevate would look like in their organizations. Highlight the alignment with organizational purpose and the self-awareness necessary for leaders to hire with elevation in mind.

Developing Individuals

Considerations For Individual Development

  • Investing in Development from Day One
    • Individuals in a learning organization build the habit of learning from the beginning of their engagement. This is fueled by encouragement from leaders and from the organizational culture as a whole.
    • Explain the importance of onboarding people with care and focus. Explain how that helps build a curious mindset and a habit of continuous learning from the start.
  • Personal Motivation and Development
    • Individuals are motivated by different things, and these impact the choices they make about personal development.
    • Introduce one or more models to explore different motivational factors. Illustrate how individual motivation can impact the choices people make about self-development.
  • Incorporating Brain-based Ideas to Create an Ideal Environment for Development
    • Several studies and models exist that explore learning and development from a neuroscience perspective which looks at brain-based models and techniques for maximizing performance and development.
    • Introduce participants to several techniques and models of brain-based learning and development. These could include David Rock’s work on neuroleadership (including his SCARF model), Sharon Bowman’s work on brain-based techniques for learning, and others. Discuss common elements from neuroscience that suggest ways to create environments that maximize learning and development.

2.2. Co-Creation Of Growth and Development Plans In Others 

  • 2.2.1. Encouraging Ownership of Growth and Development
    • Every individual is accountable for their own growth and development. Leadership creates opportunities for growth; seizing these opportunities is an individual choice.
    • Show how agile leaders provide people with opportunities for growth, including removal of organizational obstacles and the creation of an enabling environment. Discuss a leader’s focus on managing the system as opposed to managing people. In this way, leaders recognize that choosing which development opportunities to embrace and when is ultimately an individual’s choice.
  • Helping to Identify Strengths, Talents, Passions, Interests, and Paths
    • Leaders play a role in acknowledging and championing the strengths and talents they see in others. Leaders also help individuals connect with passions and interests and point out ways that align with organizational needs and pathways.
    • Provide tools for self-evaluation that the participants can use with individuals and teams in their organization to identify strengths, passions, and interests. Practice techniques for championing and acknowledging others’ strengths. Discuss ways to bring to light connections between individual development interests and organizational needs for increased capability.
  • Additional Aspects of Individual Development
    • When exploring opportunities for individual development, multiple factors and horizons come into play.
    • Introduce the types of factors that need to be considered when selecting growth opportunities, including but not limited to: 
      • Balancing the needs of the individual with those of the organization
      • Committing to individual development, even if that results in someone leaving the organization / discovering a different path
      • Learning for now, learning for the future
      • Non-linear career paths Introduce different techniques that can help surface and address the misalignment between the organizational outcomes and individual ambitions.

Developing Leadership In Others

Leadership at Every Level

    • Organizations need agile leadership behaviors and attitudes at every level and should make this a continued focus.
    • Show how leadership does not depend upon positional power and how the agile leader is constantly looking to develop others to build their own leadership competencies. Leadership is for the many, not the few.
  • Enabling Others to Find Their Unique and Authentic Leadership Stance and Style
    • There is no one way to be a leader; leaders are most effective when they lead in alignment with their purpose and values. A key element of leading with agility is enabling others to be their authentic selves and not expecting others to fit a predefined mold.
    • Explain the importance of, and techniques for, enabling others to build self-awareness and self-management in their own leadership approach. Reference the self-development journey from ICP-LEA and discuss how vital it is for each individual to go on their unique journey in developing as a leader.
  • Providing Feedback and Having Difficult Conversations
    • Courageous and open communication is a key leadership competency. Agile leadership requires a paradigm shift around feedback to view it as a gift — to use it wisely from a place of caring and to receive it thoughtfully and humbly.
    • Show how agile leaders tackle hard conversations and decisions with integrity and transparency. Provide tools and techniques to provide clear, impactful feedback. Discuss factors that help make difficult conversations effective for all involved.

Developing Teams

Key Factors That Promote Team Development

  • The Impact of Self-Organization on Team Development
    • In complex environments, self-organization is a source of competitive advantage. Selforganization not only increases empowerment and motivation, but it also increases multi-directional collaboration in ways that substantially accelerate team development.
    • Discuss the relationship between self-organization and team development. Illustrate how in highly dynamic environments, a team’s ability to self-organize accelerates collaborative learning and effectiveness in achieving common goals. Review various approaches to self-organization, self-selection, and dynamic reteaming.
  • The Impact of the Environment on Team Development
    • Physical environments, time zones, office space configurations, and remote collaboration tools for distributed teams all have an impact on team development.
    • Explain how the physical or remote environment in which a team operates impacts its ability to self-organize, collaborate, and learn. Explore aspects such as physical office layout, as well as distribution across geographies and time zones. Provide tools and techniques for increasing collaboration and learning in both co-located and distributed environments.
  • Encouraging Collective Ownership and Team Accountability
    • Teams develop more readily when they share ownership and accountability, as opposed to thinking of themselves as a collection of individuals accountable for different parts of a whole.
    • Introduce ideas and techniques to encourage teams to take collective ownership of outcomes as opposed to focusing on “their individual part” of an outcome. Discuss practices that help foster team accountability, such as making work visible, creating collective working agreements, etc.
  • Using Different Leadership Styles at Different Stages of Team Development
    • As teams evolve and mature in their ways of working together, leaders should shift their style to meet the changing needs of the team.
    • Relate models and stages of team formation, development, and performance to the need for different leadership styles. Discuss ways to identify if a team is stagnating on its learning journey and how to encourage a spirit of continuous improvement, learning, and innovation.

Setting Teams Up For Success 

  • Enable a Feedback Culture in the Team
    • Organizations and teams are human systems, and multi-directional feedback is a key element for learning and growth in a dynamic system.
    • Explain different types of feedback that a team can give and receive, focusing on feedback within the team. Consider both positive (affirming) and negative (constructive) feedback. Emphasize the importance of responding to feedback with curiosity and humility. Explore dysfunctions that can happen when feedback is withheld or not provided in a timely manner.
  • Balancing Individual vs. Team Needs
    • Effective people development includes knowing when and how to intervene and when to step back in order to enable team performance and individual growth.
    • Discuss ways in which team and individual growth are compatible and places where there is an inherent tension between the two. An example of the latter is rewarding individual results while encouraging collaborative behaviors. Show the different contexts in which a leader may choose to intervene or to step back and allow teams and individuals the opportunity to learn and resolve their own differences.
  • Enabling the Team to Interact Cohesively with the Larger System
    • Teams are typically part of a larger organizational ecosystem. Team members need to understand how they fit into this ecosystem and how to interact with it effectively. They also benefit from visibility into how their performance and actions impact the ecosystem.
    • Discuss how the larger organizational ecosystem can constrain or enable different aspects of team collaboration and learning. This includes elements of organizational structure and culture, as well as how the team goals are positioned in relation to the larger organizational vision and goals. Highlight ways that team characteristics can enhance organizational culture and achievement of organizational goals.
  • Radiating Progress and Success 
    • Transparency about team progress and success helps the team feel part of a larger whole and reinforces the positive impacts of collaboration and learning.
    • Provide different approaches to measuring and radiating progress towards outcomes. Address ways these may be communicated both within and outside the team, including how many teams can stay apprised of each other’s positive progress and impacts.

 Honoring Diverse Experiences, Knowledge, and Backgrounds 

  • Diversity Benefits Teams
    • Diverse teams are generally more creative and solve problems more effectively than homogeneous teams prone to groupthink. Diversity extends beyond age, race, language, national culture, and religion into aspects such as neurodiversity, educational background, and many others. Agile leaders embrace diversity and create environments where diverse teams can thrive.
    • Explore the various aspects of diversity and show how well-supported diversity enables creative tension and innovation. Contrast this with the limitations faced by homogeneous teams.
  • Building Shared Experience
    • Teamwork starts with relationships between and among individuals. Instead of a culture of parallel experience within teams, leaders should focus on ways to build shared experiences. When diverse backgrounds contribute to a shared experience, the outcomes exceed what any group of individuals could have achieved on their own.
    • Explain how pairing and working in small groups build cohesion and shared experience. Discuss how this shared experience forms the basis for trust and maximizes the potential for development. Introduce techniques for opening the door to this way of working.
  • Safety and Trust within the Team
    • Psychological safety is a fundamental prerequisite for high performance in teams.
    • Explore the various components that contribute to psychological safety. Discuss how the attitudes and behaviors of leaders enable or inhibit psychological safety.
  • Conflict as an Enabler for Creativity and Innovation
    • Under the right circumstances, conflict is often the catalyst for innovation.
    • Explain the importance of healthy conflict in the generation of innovative ideas and illustrate methods to welcome and encourage healthy conflict. Discuss missed opportunities when teams do not challenge decision-making and accept the status quo.

The Training Cover Three Perspectives:




  • Knowing yourself and why you do what you do.
  • Developing yourself and understanding biases, mind traps, and how to avoid judging.
  •  Communicating effectively using storytelling and visualization are powerful tools.
  • Coaching others to find their perfect place in the organization taking their personality, interests, and passions into account.


In Our Team

  • How to increase the pace from immature to mature high-performing teams, using skills for communication, leading, coaching, and conflict resolution.
  • How to grow and develop teams to be independent and empowered to make their own decisions, for example, about their contribution to the organization’s goals or salaries.


Of Us

  • How to balance an agile culture with an agile structure, providing enough support for emerging strategies where all people are involved in setting the direction.
  • How to work to change behaviors by removing limiting structures like annual budgets linked to fixed performance targets and individual bonuses.
  • Create conditions for a Learning organization where it’s ok to make mistakes and learn from them, which requires a platform of Psychological Safety.

Glad you want to learn more!

Hello! I am Ingela, and I work with the core team at Agile People. I’d love to connect woth you and explore potential solutions.

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